chinese panda suddenly died in the thailand's zoo


Many People are saddened over the death of a 19 years old chinese panda who was living a luxurious life in a multi-island's country thailand.

chang chang panda died

Panda named 'chang chang' was transferred to thailand in year 2003.

The 19 years old panda 'chang chang' who was living in the leading zoo in chiang mai capital chiang mai thailand. 'chang chang' was famous for his amazing lifestyle.

Chang chang was transferred from sichuan province china to thailand with a female panda 'lan hui'.
The panda couple were placed in the air-conditioned area with the utmost care and male panda has been served with special food every day.

panda death

Thai zoo specialists arranged to show male panda special videos, including videos of other male and female pandas having sex so that he could interact with the female panda.

Although keeping 'chang chang' on a diet , he was also given sexual enhancement foods, but experts failed to achieve any success.

Experts later used the artificial method on chang chang's female panda 'lan hui' and year 2009 she gave birth to a baby panda.

'Chang 'Chang' was famous for living a luxurious lifestyle, eating special foods, and watching videos. Thai and chinese people occasionally used to post on social media about this panda and his lifestyle.

panda death

The chinese news agency 'shinwa' in its report said that chinese consulate general in the thai city of chiang mai says that the sudden death of the chinese panda willbe investigated.

According to the consulate general , a team of chinese experts working on animal protection will visit the zoo in thailand and will investigate panda's sudden death with thai authorities.

On theother hand,dozens of chinese and thai people expressed regret over the sudden death of the chinese male panda.

Many internet users alleged that animals were not taken care in thailand and panda's death was due to the lack of proper care.

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