Girl's Memory Resets Every Two Hours After A Head Injury


Whenever Riley Horner, A young girl from illinois wakes up every morning for the past three months , she thinks it is june 11.

Girl's memory reset after two hours

The matter gets worst everyday when after every two hours her memory resets and reached to the same time on june 11. Riley can not remember the new things seen everyday and the new people she meets every day.

Riley's Problem began when another girl accidentally kicked her in the head during dance at the FFA state convention. She was rushed to hospital , where doctors said that she was traumatized by the injuries.

However Riley's family found out that their was something wrong with their daughter. They noticed that her brain is not accepting new memories and events Apart from june 11.

She has been unconscious dozens of time in three months.

Riley told a Tv reporter that she couldn't remember anything new which makes her terrified.

She said that people feel it is like a movie, They can not understand it. She added that she will not even remember this interview. She said that a calendar hanging at her door says that it is september but she didn't remember anything else.

The symptoms of Riley's disease have surprised the doctors. At first doctors said that her memory will improve over time , but in three months nothing happened.

Riley is trying her best to live her life in a comfortable way. She carries some necessary notes with her all the time. When she lose her memory in school, she reads notes. They have descriptions of the essentials like how to find your locker etc.

After june 11 everything in Riley's  mind disappears. The disease is so weird that she do not even remember the death of her maternal uncle.

Riley's mother sarah , said that she kept telling her daughter about it but she could not remember it.

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