Indian citizen carries travel documents on his helmet due to fear of the traffic police


Fear of traffic police or using mind in a right way?

india new law for traffic

You may have seen People carrying their necessary travel documents in a purse or in a bag, but an indian citizen carries all the documents on his helmet Due to the fear of traffic police heavier penalties and their fines (challan).

A 50 years old man from indian state Gujrat, named Rampal shah has gone viral on social media. in a video in which  he can be seen that all of his necessary travel documents are affixed to his motorcycle helmet.

Rampal shah is a insurance agent by profession. his driving license , registration certificate, insurance policy copies are affixed to his helmet.

Rampal shah says that usually these documents are available to every citizen but sometimes they forget to carry these documents,and then they face penalties and fines. he felt that if he forgot these documents at home he would have to pay a fine to the traffic police, because of this he affixed the documents to his helmet.

The indian citizen said that he has a habit of using the helmet, so when he goes out , all those papers come with his helmet and whenever a traffic policeman asks for the papers,he takes off his helmet and hold it in his hand so that traffic police can see his documents clearly.

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