Letter inside a bottle has reached 1624 miles in the ocean


In four years the message bottle has reached 1624 miles in the sea.

a letter in the bottle was found in the sea

A welsh family found a bottle with a letter in it while walking on the beach. The bottle was dumped four years ago by a german couple at sea 1624 miles away.

Emma reese says she was walking along the coast with her husband steven and her daughter abbey in pembrey. During this time they saw a bottle of wine that had been floating in the ocean and the bottle was very well sealed.When they opened the bottle, a letter came out of the bottle.

sea bottle letter

The letter was written four years ago by a german couple on a leisurely ship, and then they dumped the bottle in the sea, The german couple have written details of their contact numbers. Emma emailed the german couple immediately , and told them about the bottle that she is the one who has received the bottle.

This letter was written four months ago by a german couple makos and tanja on october 22 , 2015 and was dumped by them into the sea. Emma says she sent the bottle back as a sign of their love to the german couple. Also emma wrote in a facebook post that she sent the bottle back by post instead of the sea.Hope the german couple will be amazed to see their dumped bottle back.

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