American woman arrested for travelling with a baby in her bag


Can you imagine a woman hiding an infant in her luggage and trying to travel in a plane?

woman arrested for travelling with a baby in her luggage

An unusual incident happened in the philippines where an american woman was detained when airport immigration staff discovered a newborn baby in her luggage.

The 43 years old lady has been identified as jennifer talbot , who was supposed to board a flight to manila international airport on wednesday morning while the child was in a paper bag.

According to immigration officials, the woman did not have the child's travel documents.An immigration spokeswoman confirmed the incident and said that the woman had appeared alone.
According to the spokeswoman, the woman had just presented her travel document in front of the check-in desk. while the child was later discovered in a large belt bag as she was about to board a flight.

The spokeswoman said that the woman described herself as the baby's aunt but was unable to provide any evidence regarding this.

As per CNN reports, the child was only 6 days old but due to official documentation it is very difficult to verify the age.

The spoke person said that we have no information regarding the child because his travel documents could not be found.

immigration officials did not say where this american woman was going and the matter has now been turned over to the department of justice

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