Boy Lost His Vision Due To Eating Chips and fries


British expert have urged parents around the world to pay special attention to their children's diet and to prevent them from eating fries , chips and similar items at an early age.

boy lost vision due to eating fries and chips

Experts issued the directive when doctors found out that a young man in Uk had simply lost his eye sight because of eating fries and other things like chips at an early age.

British newspaper the telegrapgh  Reported that experts believe, this is the first human being who lost eye sight because of eating fries ,chips , fringles and susajes for years.

According to the reports, the young man who lost his eyesight is 17 years old and started eating fries , chips and other things after the age of 10 years.

fries chips
fries chips

The report states that by the age of 14, the young man had been found to have deficiency of vitamin b12, including bone minerals and various other vitamins.

Although the young man also used food supplements to gain the required proteins and vitamins deficiency, but it did not help the young man.

The young man's physical condition had deteriorated due to not eating fruits and vegetables for many years from an early age, and he could walk properly and started losing vision because of lack of the vitamins and proteins.

Each passing day , the young man's condition start getting worst. after that the young man was taken to an eye hospital due to his medical condition , where during treatment he lost his vision completely.

After the teen's medical condition , experts and doctors issued parental guidelines saying that parents should take special care of their children's diet, and they should understand that that healthy food such as vegetables and fruits are good for health , not chips , fries or vitamin's medicines.

Experts gave parents a clear message that food supplements , such as vitamin and protein medicines are only useful when the affected person has some strength and vitamins.

Experts point that eating fruits and vegetables are more healthier and helpful than eating fries , chips , or taking vitamin medicines. Parents should start give vegetables and fruits to their children  at an early age.

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