Google's New Tool Helps Keep Your Password Secure From Hacking


Did you know that millions or billions of online accounts gets hacked every year around the world and the reason behind this is poor password choice.

Google new tool to help keep your password secure

In fact, every year since 2011, one of the passwords 123456 is being called the worst password and surprisengly is the favorite password of millions of people.

Then the second password that is most commonly used is password itself, which has occupied this position for several years while the third password is 123456789.

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Since the problem of hacked accounts has increased due to weak passwords , Google has now introduced a  new tool for its chrome users.

Google has introduce a webpage in the form of a Password Manager app for this Purpose, Whereby You can see how strong all your saved passwords ( Stored in Google Chrome) are , while also it may be known that these accounts did not face hacking and various features and suggestions would be suggested in this regard.

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On this page you will also find out how many different sites you are using your chrome password and keep in mind that each site must have a separate password , otherwise all accounts can be hacked in one hack.

This password manager will also prevent you from using 12345 or easy passwords.
This password manager is built into your google account which is why it is easy to know if any of your passwords were hacked.

Google says This password checkup technology will be made part of chrome later this year so that you can get real time protection by typing your passwords on any site.

Keep in mind that cyber security experts suggest that the password should be something you can barely remember and in this case it is more secure.

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